Often Used Nets & Frequencies

Club Nets and Repeater Frequencies. HARC now owns the 2 Meter Repeater. We do however through the association of STAR use their 440 Mhz repeater frequencies for various activities.


The following two repeater Frequencies:

The HARC 2 Meters at 146.66 MHz (-600 kHz shift and 103.5 Tone)

The STAR 440 MHz at 443.100 (+5 MHz shift with 103.5 Tone)


Repeaters used by the club are owned by HARC and STAR.

The 440 repeater was put into service in November 2008, while the 2 Meter repeater was put into service in December 2008.


Every Tuesday evening at 1900 Hrs., the SeaTac Amateur Radio (STAR) Team and visitors come together on the Net to support SeaTac Emergency Communications. We meet on 2 Meters on a frequency of 146.660 MHz - shift 103.5 Hz tone.

Click here for a standard business Net Script. The current Net Schedule can be seen on the STAR website and the STAR Yahoo site.

Out of Area Nets

This CW Net meets daily at 2100 Hrs Eastern Time daily (that's 1800 Hrs for us here)

Put on by the Georgia CW Training Net

Meet at 3549KHz. The net is a slow and very informal net - Basics to checking in and out. The net does offer training via Radiograms for those who are interested.

Everyone is welcome and QRP'S as well. For those that are new, just listen to how stations check in and do the same. Then hear them check out. It is a short net at 15-20 minutes.

The goal is to have fun and get new Ops on the air. All are welcome, whatever you can send is fine. If I don't know you I may ask your name after your check in. You can visit their website at http://ad4dx.com/gtn

Website content by John Elliott KF7MUE Contact webmaster at webmaster@highlinearc.org

Repeater Use

Feel free to use the two repeaters when ever you can. No need to wait for a program or Net to get on the air. 
If you have an idea on how to get more use out of the repeaters let us know your ideas.  

Friday Nights

Did you know every Friday  night at 1900 we have the STAR Net. This is open to anyone to come and participate. If you have something to pass along or just want to listen in, come on over.